Sunday, 10 January 2016

15 things 2015 taught me

Look out for my next blog for information on this outfit!
Okay this is probably a blog I should have written at least a week ago. However, all my days merged into one again and finally over a week into the year, I have managed to sit down and finally reflect on the roller coaster known as 2015. 

(Some are more serious than others but I really did learn quite a lot last year!) 

1: University is not for everyone. There is more than one pathway, more than one direction, you just need to find the right one for you. 

2: Leaving a job on good terms is amazing. I have now returned to the same job three times and each time I go back and decide I want to move onto something else, I leave positively and this had really paid off. 

3: Friends come from the most unlikely of places. Okay, you may have the image in your head of a perfect friend who likes all the same things as you? Banish that and let things fall into place, the best people in my life are those I have almost nothing in common with.
4: It is okay to be proud of yourself. I am one of those people that never really see's the good in anything that I do. However June, 2015, blessed me with the proudest moment of my life. I put in hours and hours of hard work and it really paid off and I am proud to say I am proud. 
5: Do not take things for granted. Do not take family for granted. Do not take friends for granted.
6: Justin Bieber really can create good, meaningful music. I never thought this day would come but 2015, really was his year. Company and Feeling are my two all time favourite songs of his. 
7: Be yourself. I really felt there were certain parts of 2015, where I just wasn't me. Where I let expectations and reality take over what I truly believed, felt and wanted. The person that you are is the best person you can be. 

8: Stress really isn't as necessary as my body thinks it is. I have put myself through so much un-needed stress, for what? I have learnt that I need to take a second, breathe, evaluate the situation and remain calm.
9: You do not need to know your future now. At the age of 19, I felt immense pressure in terms of my future. I felt I should have a career plan, written chronologically with no time to fail. Well guess what, 2015 proved that this is probably the worst thing because if it doesn't go right, you panic. I am not saying wing it, I am just saying be open to different things.
10: Make sure you spread your attention and care widely, don't invest everything into one person.

11: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again but if it makes you miserable it's okay to give up.

12: I have a severe spending addiction, that probably is bad enough to seek help but quite frankly it keeps me sane.

13: It is okay to be emotional, it shows you care. So yes, it is okay to cry when you run out of cereal, or when you watch 24 Hours in A and E or when you just need to let it out. 

14: Happiness comes in many forms. 

15: 2015 taught me to be me. Life throws so much at us, things we can handle, things we can't. It was a roller coaster of a year that opened my eyes to life, love, friendship and new emotions. I wanted to close the chapter and start a fresh and that is exactly what I am doing. 

Here's to 2016, 

Thank-you for reading, 

Mollie Isabella 

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